Lake Redstone Protection District
The Lake Redstone Protection District (LRPD) relies on volunteers to accomplish much of the important work in the district. As we embark on new initiatives and fulfilling grant requirements, our volunteer needs are constantly changing. We have some significant and challenging work to do with regards to the following efforts:
➢ Dredging has consumed numerous hours of some very dedicated folks to reach this point. Our intent is to have the dredging project voted on and decided at the August meeting. We are closing in on the end of this project, but volunteers are needed to help get to the August vote and may be needed to see it through to the end if it passes in August. Those interested in helping with the final stages should contact Glenn Choroszy, the chair of the dredging committee
➢ The LRPD has been awarded a Lake Management Planning Grant. This grant will require many volunteer hours to complete the work. Opportunities include water sampling for the lake and watershed tributary streams. This is a three-year grant and we need several teams of well-trained sample collectors. Our lake sampling team is assembled and has been functioning well for several years. We need additional volunteers to assist with stream sampling. We intend to collect samples March through November with two measurements after storm events. Those interested in helping with stream sampling should contact Don McCune ( or board member Chuck Ecklund.
➢ As part of the planning grant we will be doing a shoreline habitat assessment of every parcel on the lakefront. An employee from LEAPS, our consulting firm, will be the point person on this effort, but volunteers are needed who have a pontoon boat or small fishing boat and can drive the LEAPS employee along the shoreline. The survey will take place in phases, with one phase being the week of June 11 to 15 and other phases on other weeks later in the summer. Each week will be divided into half- or third-day time slots, so lots of volunteers are needed. Those interested in long slow boat rides along the shoreline should contact Tom Wagner ( or board member Ken Keegstra. You will learn a lot about our shoreline.
➢ We need one or more volunteers with organizational skills to help the LRPD continue to sort our volumes of paper, studies, legal opinions, agendas, minutes etc. The records are kept at the La Valle Town Hall, so this is an indoor job. One volunteer who got a great start on this project has moved, but may be available to train new volunteers. You will learn a lot about our activities and our history. Contact board members Paul Burke or Ken Keegstra.
➢ Special events such as the Annual Meeting, or other special meetings called by the board need organizers and set up people. We especially need help preparing for the Annual Meeting coming up in August, 2018. Contact any LRPD board member if you are willing to help.
➢ Our Clean Boats Clean Waters initiative has been staffed with paid employees the last three years. Again this year we are searching for one or two people to work this job, but also for volunteers who are willing to be trained and spend some time at boat landings. The pay is competitive and the responsibilities include boat inspections at our landings and educating boaters about invasive species that are transported via boats and trailers. An outgoing outdoors person who is interested in preserving our lake health would be perfect. Contact board member Chuck Ecklund if you are interested in the paid positions or are willing to volunteer a few hours.
If you want to volunteer for any LRPD jobs listed above or simply want to become involved, we have interesting work and talented people to help train you. We want to expand the number of volunteers and broaden our communications efforts to inform and educate the Lake Redstone community. Consider joining our enthusiastic team of volunteers. For life long learners, this is a great opportunity!!